SERM. j Triumph of Faah~ · . 1.7 · Heart under the Stirrings of Free-Grac~, obey Dilpofirions of Grace as God himfelf;. when. the. Sun rifeth the Birds may fing, but theu fingmg 1s no Caufe of the Sun rifing. 2 • 'Tis no Truth of God that fbme teach, T.hat the Juiti!ied ~n Chrift are of Du~~ ":l~ays t~ed t~ one and the iame conftant AB: of reJOlcmg, Without anv Mixture ofSadncfs and Sorrow, for fo t:ley can.:. not, 1. Obey and follow the various Impreffions Gf the Lord's Abfence and Prefence, of Chrift's Seae~bing a~d £owing, of _his fhining a!ld ~mil~ng,_and hts lowermg and frowmng.z.The Fa1th of aJufl:Ified Condition doth not root out all Affections; nay,not Love, Faith, Defire and Joy, if there be i'in remaining in the J uftified, there's place of Sadnefs, for Fear, for Sorrow. : For the Setvn of Affections are rembved by Cluift, not the Affections themfelves. ' ~· Chrift, for mere Trial fometimes, for Siri other Times, doth cover himfelfwith a Cloud, and withdraw the Senfe of his Favour: And 'tis a curfcd Joy, that is ori Foot, when the Lord hideth his Face_:. The Love· of Chrift muft be fide and f<td; I mean the Lover, when the Belov·ed is under a Cloud: It is not the· new World with the regene:.. rate Man here, nor a Land. where _there is nothin·g but all Summer, all Snn·) neither N1ght nor Clouds, nor Rain, nor Storm, t11at is the C'...onditi011 of the fcco~d Paradife, of the better -4dam. 4· 'Tis a ju.ft and mnocent Sorrow, to be gneved at that which grieveth the holy Spirit, and ezt'hen the Lion ror- , ttb, atJ tbe Jleafls of the FiekJ are afraid. Grace ..-;.. -· Ihaketh not Job a Stock, nor Chriff a Man: who cannot weep. . . · ~ AnrJ behold, a Woimm of Canaari v Attti--ztcer-::·<' tai11 J!Yoman, Matth. x 5. M11rlc6. ---or the Woman B -" _ 1. Blol ---~--.~- .... . .