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SERM. 3· Triumph ofFaith. 2.r 9 . is refolved in the fre_e Pleafu:e of God_, in which he freely, and w1thour H1re, purpoied to reward Faith, not the Works ot the Law with Life eternal; ·whereas it was free to him to keep another Orde·r, it fo it fl1ould fecm good to him, and by this Meana God is yet freely, and by aR Ac1 of pur~ Grace not eifentially good to all, even in communicating his Goodnefs, by waY. of J uftice: For what God doth by Neceffity ofhts Nature and Effence, that he cannot but do; but fure it is, by no Neceffity of Nature doth the Lord re- . ward Worki, Faith, or any Obedience in 11s with the Crown of Life eternal: He may give Heaven freely without our Obedience at all, as he giveth the firft Grac~ freely, Ezek. 16. 6, 7, 8. Ro11z. 5· 10. :bph. 2. 3, 4· But this is furer, the fewer h; Grace, Grace is the more Grace, and the more like itfelf and free. Object. 5· Yiut 1/:Jave a goeil Heart to G 0 'D. Anfw. ·A quiet Heart ileeping in a falie Peace, is a bad Heart: Moft of Sinners give their Souls to the Devil by Theft; they think they are failing t~> H~aven, and know nothing till they fhort", fleepmg m the Land of Death, Mtl'tth. 7· 2.1, 22, . 23. LStk~ 16. 27, z8. Object. 6. 1Vh;:, but Goif bath beftoweJ on nte ' many Favours, ami Richfs in thi s J¥ort4. An/. God's Grace is not gravcn on Gold ; it fhould be but the Logick of a Beaft, if the flauohter Ox fhould i~y, 'i:h~ Mafler favou~etb me m~re than 'f11J' 0~ tn the Stnlt: I am free of the Toke that tS upon the Neck of others, ani! ·my Paflttre i s fatter than theirs. Obj. . 7. The Saints~!ove me. Anjw. The Saint~ ca.n mufather their Love, and love where God loveth rtot. .B 3 Object: .