SERM. 4 Triumph of Faitht ~> ges, or there than h_ere; the Income of Glory for Eternity, and the Liferent of Ages ~f Bleifednefs is all the Good ~ will of hin"'. wh1ch fitteth on ;he Throne. Ev~ry Apple of the Tree of Life is (';race; every Sip, every-Drop of the Sea and River of Life, is the Purchaie of the Blood of th~ I ,amb that is in the Midft of them. 3· They be as poor without Chrift who are there, as we are : Giory is Grace, and their Dependency for Ages of Ages is that,_ Rev. i. 1 7. 'I/Jat the Lamb rzrbicb is in tbe Mirfjl of the 'I'JJrone, does feecl them, awl lead them unto living Fountains of JVaterJ, a1:q God "•.t'ipeth all 'Iears a:way from their E.res : Then they cannot walk there alone, but as the Lamb leadeth them; :and ifChrift were not there, or if he .fhouJd take Grace, Glory, and all his own Jewels and Ornaments from Jv!ofes and Enoc/,,there fhou1d remain no more there but poor , J\ature: As good An<!els do there not fall, be... caufe in Chrift, the H:'ad of Angelsl ·they are confirmed~ (and if they la~ked this confirming Grace, .· 1 they might yet full, and becom~ Apoftate Devils) fo the Glorifi ed in Heaven do therefore ftand, ·and are confirmed in the Inheritance, not by Free Will there more than here; but by immedate Dep~ndencc:. of qrace on the Lamb, whom they follb:V w.hitherioev~r he goeth. Grace then, for Kmd? 1s as ~ood ~s Heaven: Glory, Glory to our Ran1om- pa ;er. S· H~r little 'IJaughter cz;.Jas vexed ( jhe{aith) ~ct.Jt(.,~ !ct.JrJ,.ovJ~i(.TC!-1, Jhe is exce'edi1tgly devilled, or gnevouDy tormented with a Devil. Then ~bferve, That common Punifhments of Sin, a~d fad Afflictions doth foJlow jufbfied Pedons, as well as t4~ Wickc:d ; for it was a fad Bur<len to the Mother, that