Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

SER M· ; Triumph of Faith. 4r JVifdom is in Jhcm? As there be Pollutions of the Flefh, fo are there PoUutions of the Afind dnd Spirit, 2 Tim. 3· 8. Men of corrupt Minds, are , Men of rotten Minds ; falfe Opinions of God are Rottennefs in the Underilanding. I 'ltm: 1. 7· 'Ihe Spirit of a Jomi1 Mind, ver. I 3· Hotd fafl tbe Perm qfjound fVords: There are {ome Words that come from a fick Mind, as Tit. 1. I;. The Apoftle holdeth forth, that there he iome fick of the Faith, as there be fome found of thf' Faith, Prov. I I. 7. The Lord giveth found JFifdom its Effence and Ji eing. [Tu fhiia J Par,nin, Subflantiqm : R. L:vi, re(er-vabit re8is id quod efl ; Ra. :!Javid (aJth, bf"caufe Wiiaom ·and t~e Law of God is an abiding and (as Aben Bzra faith) .. A living 'Thins that endureth to Eterni~v ; whereas indeed human Wifdom and falfe Opinions of God, are paffing away things, the Lie liveth nor n· long Age : Wifdom is...'a Tree of Life, Pfat. 1 I 9· 8o. Let my Jleart be found in thy Statutes: [Tamim] perfect, wanting nothing, a Fool wanteth the beft Part of . ' his Heart: St:ate-wiictom, notlying level to Chrjft's .Ends, but commenfurated with carnal Projects, is but Folly. Art. 5. Heari1~g; cj him.] What had fhe heard? That .7efus was the Son of God, the Meffiah of 1(- raet, and co-uld and was willing to heal her Daughter:. Two Things are here obfervable: hearil~f!, of Chrifl drew her to Cbrifl. 2. 'Tis good to border with Chrift, and to be near hand to him: There is a Neceffity that we hear of Chrift, before ~ we come to him. This is God's Way, Rom. 10. Faith cometh bv hearinrr. Chrift is nor .in us from the Womh, Fai'th is not) a Flower that p,:roweth fi>llt of fuch a iowr and <;old Ground as Nat'~re; " a Stem l r . I ,.