Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

48 The Triat and SERM. 6 Garment, the Outfide of Prayer, Sighs are nearer the "'He_ar;-work, a dumb Begg~r get_teth an Aims at Chnft s Gates, even by maktng S1gns, wheq his Tongue cannot plead for him. and the rather becaufe he is dumb. ObjeCt. z. I have not fo mur:b as a Voice to utter to God; and .Chrift iaith_i Cant. 2. _1 4· Cauft me hear thy Votce. An(. Yea, but-1ome other Thing bath a Voice betide- the Tongue, P{at. 6. 8. 'Ihe I:orJ has hearJ the Jl( ;~'e of m?' J,Veeping. Tears have a Tongue and Grammar and Language that our Father knoweth. Babes have no Pra y~rs tor the Breaft, but weeping, the Mother can rea~ Hunger on Wreeping. ObjeCt. 3· 2lut I am often fo, as I cannot ~veep, JVeeping is peculiar to a Man as Laut;hing is, anJ , JPirituat TVeeping is peculiar to the rene·-zt•eJ Jl1an• .An_f. Vehemency of Affedion doth often move weeping, io as it is but fpilt \Veeping that we can attain hence; Hezekiah can but chatter as a Crane, and a Swattow, and moan aJ a CJJove, - Ifa. 38. t 4· Sorrow keepeth not alway the Roadway, Weeping is but the Scabbard of Sorrow, and th~re's often more Sorrow where there is little or no weeping; there's moft ~ of Fire where there is leaft Smoak. ObieB:. 4· Jiut I have neither tz.f.:eeping one 1Vay ncr othe1-, ordina!Jl nor marred. Ant Looking up to Heaven, lifting up of t!Je Eyes, goeth for Prayer alfo in God's J3ooks, Pjal. 5· 3· My Pra~­ er wilt I direCl to thee, and I ·witt took up, Ifa. 48. 1 4· Mine Eyes fail "'&ith looking up:warrf; Pfalm 69. ;. Becaufe, 1. Prayer is a pouring out of the Sou! to Goc1, and Faith will come ou~ at the Eye, in lieu of another Door; often Aff~:a1un~ break