. 52 The Triat a1zd S£RM. 6 erh, what is pnder ~he Lap of a Si~h, bccaufe his Spirit made the Sigh: He firfi ma& the Prayer, as an Interceifor; ar.d then, as God, heareth it: He is _within PrayirJg, and without Hearing. Object. 8. :But, are aU my Cryiny;s in Prayer '/Vork.~ of th_e. Spirit_? Anf..v. The FI_efh may come 1r~ a d JOlll m Prayer, and fome Thmgs may be iaid in H;dte~ not in Faith; as in that Prayer, Pfotm 77. 9· Rub GoJ forgotten to be gracious? Nor is that of .'Jeremiah to be put in Chrifi's golden Cenfer, to be prefented to the Father, .7er. 1 5· 18. Wt!t thou be altogether to me as a Liar, ancJ as TVaters that fail? N~r that of .7()b, I 3· 24. IVhe1·ejore holde(l thou me for thine Enemv? Chrift wa!heth Sinners in his Blood, but he walheth not Sin: He advocateth for the Man that prayeth to have him accepted, but not.for the Upftarts and Boilings of Corruption, and the Fldh that are mixed with our Praye-r, to have them made white. Chrifi rejeB:eth thefe Things in Prayer that are dfentially ill, but he walheth the Prayer, and caufeth the Father accept it. There be {o many other Things that are a pouring out of the Soul in Prayet'.;. as Groaning, Sighjng, looking up to. He~ven, Breathing, We~ping; that it cannot be Imitgmed, how far fhor~ prmted and read Prayers cometh of vehement Praymg; for you cannot put. Sighs, Groans, Tears, Breathing, and fuch Hea rt~meffengers down in a printed Bpok; nor can Paper and' Ink lay your Heart, in all. its fweet Affections, out before God: The Ser-mce- :O,r;ok then muft ~a: toothleis and fpiritlefs Talk. SERMON