SERM· 7 Triumph of Faith. ;; S-E R M 0 N VII. SON of Va·viit, 0 Lorit thou Son of '.])aviit!] ' , In this Compellation, c,onfider why Chrift is called the Son of :JJavid, never the Son of Adam, never the Son of Abraham : 'Tis true, he is called frequently the Son of .J..11an; but never when any prayetb to hi'm: And he is reckoned, in his Genealogy, 'ZJa0id's Son, Abrahmn's Son, the Son of Ad am ; but the Son of 'IJavicf is his 0 1 dinary Stile when Prayers are direfted to him in the Days of , his FleJh.The Reafons are, 1. Chrift had a fpecial Relation to Abraham, being his Seed; but more fpecial to Vavid",becaufe the Covenant was in a fpedal Manner eftablifhed with ':/)avid, as a King, and thefirft .King in whofe Hand the Church,theFeeding thereof as God's ,own Flock, was, as God's Vep_ofitrmz, and Pawn laid down. The Lord dta blifhed the Covenant of Grace with CZJavid, and his , Son Solomon, who was to build him an Houfe ; and promifed to him an eternal Kingdom, · and Grace, and Perfeverance in Grace, and that by a fure Covenant, the Jure Mercies of '.IJavid, lfa. 55· 3· 2 Sam. 7.8? 9,lO,II,I 2, '3,1 4,15,1 6. 1 Cbron. 22. 9, 10. 2 Sam. 23. 5.<l1lt hat!? he nzacfe with me , an evertajlinr,· Covenant, orcfcrecf in all T/Jings an cl Jure, for (this is)att my Salvation and att rny 'IJejire. Pfalm 89. 3· I have macfe a Ccvenant :z.vith my C!-o{en, I have [worn unto 'IJaviJ my Servant. v. 4· ,,.,hy Soecf wilt I eftabtijh for ever, aurlbuittJ up tly '17:Jrone to alt Generations, v. 21, to 37· Ga!riet the Angel fpeaketh the f.~une to Zac!Jarias, • Luke 1. 32, 33· So v. 68, 69 . .Afls q. 34, to 37· ar.d 1. 30. Now 'twas necdfary that Chrift the Meffiah ihould defcend lineally of a King: A bra- /Jam I ,