~ SERM. 7 'Triumph of Faith. ;9 4· Heb. 7· 22. Chrzjf is tbe Surety of the better 0JvenMzt; and in thi$ the Father is Surety for Chrift: If he undertake for 'ZJavid and Hezekiah, Pfahtt 1 19. 1 22. Ifo.. ;8. ~4.· far more for ~is own Son: God bath g1ven hts \iYorcl for Chnfi, he .(hall do the Work, Jfa. 5 z. q. Yiehold, 1tzy righteous Setvant jha/J . deal pruJentty, and Ha. 50. 9· JJehotd, the Lcrd GtJd will help me: And ~gain tbe &n is Surety to tbe Father. And the great Undertaker, that God Jhall fulfill his Part of the Covenant; that the Father /hall give a Kin!!dom to his Flock, Luke I z. 3 2. 7ohn 6. ;y, ;R, ~39. 1. Chrift, as a Surety for us, .·bath paid a Ranforri for us; 2. G,iveth a _new Heart to his Fellow-confederates-; 3· And lS engaged to toje none of theni, John q. I 2. but raife them up at the Z.rft ~ay, John 6. 39· If we could furrender OUi'ld ves to Chriit's Undertaking, and get once a Word that he is become good to the Father for us; all w~re well : \Vo to him who is that loofe Man, as he has not C!Jrift under an Aa and Band of Surety, that he fhall keep him to the Day ,of.God. '-Ne make loofe Bargains in the Behalf of our . Squls. . . 5· As Cbrift ilandeth between the ·two Parties, he is the Great Lord Jvfediator of the new Covenant, Heb. I ,2. 24. r. Subjl&ntiatty : Oqr Text callerh him Lord tbe Son of ~avid: By Condi~ion of 1\ature, he h~th fomething of God, as bemg true God, and fomething of Man, as /baring with us: Hence is he: Mediator by Office, and layeth his Hands on both Parties, as a ~ays-llfaJJ doth, Job. 9· ~ ~· In which he hath a threefold Relation: 1. Of a Friend· to both, he