Schlater - BS2725 S35 1627

C x A P. Z. Epifflé to the Theffalonians. VáR.1 7.18 ì9 g (aid Awffinc, by this meanes, that twee lout thofe whom wee neuer law: tliac whereas all other loue grooves fpecially from focietie and familiaritic; Loue Christian is procu red by bare confderarion, and report of Graces, wee heart of others neuer fo farce diftant from vs. Betides, in this friendthip aboue all other, is eminent similitude of manners and affections, without fight. As we are all quickened by one Spirit, fo wee are lure, what gracious affd3 ions are in our felues ; the tame are in all others, partakers of the fame Spirit; what care we haue of others,the fame we know all Saints to haue of vs, &c. This is the preeminence of Chriflian Amity,aboue all other Friendflhip whatfoeuer. Saint Augufline notes of At;opin. Friendfhip foute kinds. Era, Natural], where the bond is Náture,Secondly,Carnall,where the glue is flefh.Third,. ly, Mundiall, where the rye is profr.Fourthly,Spirituall, where the linke is Grace and the Spirit ofGod. To this last belongs eminence in the point of inditroluble conti nuance.Narurall affeltions, tome Moníters haue put oft° want ofprefencediminifheth. Carnal at%ltion,euery lit- tle vnkindnefTe, difcontinuance in euih abated' Mun- dial.Friendihip,w!iere gaineand profit makes the vnion, want of fruition vnloofeth.Spirituall Amity nothing dif- folueth : no not Char which ditfolues all others, lacke of focietie. So that the our -cry of email men againft the Gofpell in this behalfe, is gr©undletTe: lace, they fay,and good`' Neighbdûrhood isby it baniflhed our of' the Country. Reetiion ehangeth our lone, deflroy et. h it nets knits aff Lion fo neere, as no other bond can poflibly conioync them. And what, I vwonder,is the loue men lacke?e:tcept,whac Peter cals, neighbourly running to the ó fame exceffe of Pct Ryot ? what brotherhood ? but as rikfafes reports ofSi- num.- and Leui, e brotherhood in twill. No other Amity, I e t %49.5. dare hindered.' by the Gofpell, then Saint dames faith, is enmitie,eRainl God. En