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fs04j.;;b C HAP... Epljtle to the Thea lontaws.V E R.17.18. and Children :wouldeft thou knew it from that Cogni- lance of Chrifts Difciples ? Airy thing crofhng to cor- ruptafpeí;ions,turnes that loue into entnitie, Plainere- buke, changeth it into hatred. There is fomething like obedience, that is not confcianable obedience ; thus chòu (halt dilèerne it : whenany thing is to bee loft by obedience,rebellion is rather embraced. How many Counterfeits, masking vndcr colour of Chriftianicy,are here difcouered? Generally men loue to fayle,fecundaflumine; thef}rearne mutt be with them;if the currant tun to prophannef e, that way they follow. It innot Grace that is. thus delicate;ro be quelled with eue- ry ftorme of oppoficion. Grace is rather inflamed by What oppofeth ir. But Satan hindred. How? Is a queflion frPquenr, but not determinable,whether by fïcknefle,or by imprifon- menr,or tempefis at Sea,who can refolue. But here may be noted,Satani rnmalie to Communion of Saints; that part ofit efpeciall y, that f an!s ir, amiable con - uerfing,and holy fociety onewirh another. On this occa ion was railed the persecution againft Stephen; thereby i to dilerfe the Church ofGod: fo great encreafe and propa galion he perceived it to haue, by brotherly feilowfhip, and fociall conuerfation. The excellent fruit and comfort of brotherly fellow - (hip thereby appeares vntca.vs. The rule is good; what Saran fpecially oppofeth, therein is Come fpeciall excel- lency for our comfort. Well weighed this (hall be found, next to publike or- dinances, the mofl profitable. Firft, for Comfort. Se- condly,Proaocation.I hirdly,Encreaie. Fourthly,Con 'firmation. Lone brotherly fellowfhip: forfake not gatherings to- gether ofSaints: thinke not vncharii ably,t he times are fo euill,as to inhibit vs meeting for religious conference: Wal& wifely, and sift o f casafion,' ofJj tai ing twill from the 4duexfary O V L R S. 193