Schlater - BS2725 S35 1627

Ohç . . . 1111-.4fCNY - 194 C H e P,3. .gtt Expo f tion vpon the ftrff VER./9.20. V E R S. 19.20. For what is our hope, or ioy, or Crowsse o f reieycing t eAre not euenyeinthe prefence of our Lord !efod Chrift at bit Commi,g ? Forye are ourglory and is). Odfer. kam. 12,3. l i cor. 9.1o. m Pros. t 1.3o: He Apof}le makes probable his delire of their pretence by that ef}eeme beheld of them, and that benefit he exp.:ted from theni.They were kis hope, 'c.No maruell, if their company was fo longed for. How his Hope, loy,Glorie ? The Greeke Scholiaft, and T heodoret fuppofe the A- pof}le to p.:t on hin, the affeflion of' an ind,rlgent Fa- ther; and in filch like patlion of loue thus to file them. S econdly,There are that thinke he fofl:iles them, maté- rialiter;the matter of his hope; the people of' whom lice conceiued hope. Thirdly,What if hce intend to teach, that from their conuerton he conceiued hope, of chat gloiy which the Lorci hath prornifed to them,that turne -other s to rsghteotsfees ? that the fenfc may be, the meanes of his he pe and glory. Certainly, the sayxing of oulesto Gods Kingdome, is no finall pillar tofu,pport our hope of(alnation; and a pledge toys of our glory fo runnes the promife: They that k turne others to r igisteoufneOe,fhhall Thine as ffarres. Haw lhoukl thisanimate vs to be iriflant in feafon,out of f eafon? to bend our forces ro refcue our people out of the fnare of the Deuill? Fird,their conuerfion no final Vide of our fending. Secondly, a fecondary euidence of our owne Renouation. Thirdly,a'pledge ofour fharing inthehighell degree of heauenlyglory. Therefore raid Salomon,m he that winneth foules,is wife;he,if any,layes vp forhim f elfe a good foun- dation againfft the World ro come. No man with more comfort