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C H A P.2. Epi'lle to the Theffälonia»s.V a R. r9.20. comfort presents himfelfe to the face of the Iudge, then the Minister, that can fay : Lo me and n the children which n tjai.8. r8. thouhaftgiuen me; the Eons and daughters, whom by thy bletling,l haue begotten through the Gofpell. Before Christ at his Comming.That s® comfortable indeed Obfer. that steads vs in the `Day of Judgement. Therefore Salo- mon prefers ° righteoafnef eto riches, becaufe it more auailes o f I Pct 4, in the Day of Gods carat h. Peter P faith, be fore Gold; be- p castle Gold peri(beth, faith is found to our prayfe at the appea ring of Christ. Salomon 4 Gods feare,bc forepleasures, trea- q Bcclut, is, fares, honours, all things; becaufe it more comforts Con- 13,14. fcience at the Great Day of Accounts. Should wee not learne hence to prefer/re in efï:eeme, I ìe the riches of Gods Spirit, before the glory of all earth - lyKingdomes ? to r fallen our - affaions rather vponthe r things atom ? FIN j .k n A Al, genus atearum ( ambitiofum, laid Ter- Bernard. nard: Why dote ye fo much vpon the riches, honours, pleasres of the earth ? that are neither vera, nor veftra: all things leaue vs at that Day.Only a good Conscience, òur good workes, and gracious gifts,accompany vs to that dreadfull Tribunall. T hen shall we find a little obe- dicnce,and feare of God more comfortable, then all the pompe the World can afford vs. Serioufly thinke on thefe things; and make this the meafure of excellency in all things: to be awaileablefor comfort, at the ap- pearing of Cbrif. 195 The end of the fecond Chapter. Oz T'HE