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CHAr.3., &e^.elJh`heh THE THIRD CHAPTER OF THE FIRST EPISTLE TC Ti E THESSALONIANS. VERS. I. wherefore when wee could no longer f orbeare, wee thought it good to be left at Ahem. alone, Andfens Timotheus our Brother, and MiniflerefGod, and our Fellow.labourer in the Gold of Chrifí, to,ffa- hli/b you,and to comfort you concerning your Faith. He Apoftle proceeds to fatisfie the people, in the doubt they might make of his loue, and care for them,in re(pcl} of his abîence:his detìre and purpofe was to haue come in per(ón; that being hindred by Sitan,he PentTimotheu, to fupply his abfence.In which fending,the par- Firfl, the caufe inwardly mooing him, his 0 3 ardent ticulars are,