Schlater - BS2725 S35 1627

19 $ C s A r.; . An Explfitioff vpois i be ftr/ VER, I. ardent lame. Secondiy, the person feleaed to that bull. nelTe, Timotbesu. T hird?y, the end, toftablifi axe/come fort them: His ardent affe'ion bee less out in two properties : Firfl, that it was after a fort impatient of further delayes. Secondly,that with contentment it vnderwenr his own inconuenience. Thole two propertieroflone vnfained,deferue onr notice. Fir ft,thou h it be patient of all other things,,et is it holi y im.. patient ofdetaynrentfrom doing good to thole it imbracetb: I Or. t 3.7. brfalm4L.1. outwar rieuances it bearer; Its owne delires are but - thenfome,e., fill they be accomplilbted. `Daniel expreffing his louing defies to enioy the Lord in his Ordinances, refembles them to the b thirftofthe Hart inArttumne; what time, by.lriftetle his obferuation, they are molt impatient of thirfl : all time he thinks long, till hee may ePfalos. $4,3. appearebefore God; and growes enuioufly emulous a of the Sparrows happinelTe,inapproching the Lords Altar, Paul re(embles his delire after Galatians reforing, to dGal 4.19 . tl, at ofa a woman in trauell'to. be deliucred; the paints of trauell breed not greater derre to fee the man child borne into the world, then Pads louein him' tillChrs ertre new formed in them. It feemes the eminence and height of loue, rarely ex- empli fied,earneftly to be endeuoured. The fc con d prop cal e; irpreferres, infome cafes, ano- thers good before its Dune : conu enien t for Nails comfort had beeneTimotbees continued prefence, yet for this peoples comfort contentedly hee parts with him. See I Car .L3.5. Particulars conceiue thus. It preferres,Firfl,anothers c Gal, 13.9. ` temporall good,beforeit owne. Secondly, anothers f f r cor,9.r3. fpirituall good before all it owne temporall. Thirdly, anothers necetlity,beforc it own conueniencie in things fpirituall Vfé it to cure, 1f itbc poflible, the difeale of the latter times,