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CHAP.;. Epijile to theThefalouians. V a R. I. 199 times, fo generally fprea ding oner ail forts and degrees ofmen. In the loft daycs /ball came perilous times, aboun- ding with many dangerous and infeelio as fins. See if he places not fe1fe -hue in the forefront, as a radical! finne, and mother to many that follow. There perilous times are faine vpon vs, wherein the laying is m ch pleafing: g sTira.3. 1,2.. Quifq;fibiproximus, cuery man is next Neighbour to himfelfe. And ardinata charitas incipit á fè ; but they fhould remembcr,ic is inordinare,fi dofinat infe. Ira matter of Aimes euen our of fùperfluities, how oft heare our Neighbours, Nabals antwer ? They h haue Fa- voiIies of their owne: fhould they take and giue to aran- h i, ri. gets ? In office of lending, that thought i of Belial often rifeth: the labile, or fomething proportionall will come. ¡Dent. I5.9. Shall they hazzard the principal, to doe good to the needy ? In cafe ofcontention and Law fimites, Poohs thought no man for the world: k part with right for peace fake: to may a man parr with all that he hath. k r con 6.7. Yet it may bee, when their fpirituall good comes in bailance with our earthly profir,we are ready to preferre ir. Now,would God, nor only earthly profirs,but exam Çenfuall pleafirres were not more deare to many,then fai- uation of our Brechrens foules. I befeech you,brethren, what íò great good fie we in meats and drinkes, apparell and fports? that by intemperate and vnfeafònable vfe of libertie therein, we fhould wound our weake Brothers confcience :1 if thy brother be offended, thou wal%ej1 not of ter charity. Darer then the Earth,or all the Kingdomes thereof, fhould be the fouler- ef-our Brethren; and our fillies fhould rather vndergo any cull! of paine,then, oc- ce ion our Brethren to one mill of finne. Item. rq: t 1, - Remember who Paid : Lokenet emery one on his owne things one y,but to the things of another : Pleafe not oar fifties one y,ysst others in things good to edifying. Reaf'ons,Firil,we haue herein the imitable exampled our bleiTed Sauiour, ,m emptying himfelfe of his glory, 0 4 not mPbil.1.1,6,7