200 .:1^+. CH A r. 3. An Expofition vpon the firft VER,=, not for his owne, but for our benefit; Of mind flxruld be in vs. Secondly, not loue of our felues,but loue of Brethren, bath thofe excellent commendations and incourage- tnents : whether the Lord thought the commandement vnnecefiary ro inioyne vs a thing fo natural], as is f elfe loue;or whether it feemed to want ref}raint, rather then incouragement : Selfe -loue fcarcely euer heares well in Scripture. 4 I n . VERS. 2. Andfent TIMOTHEVS, &e, OlioWeth the perfbn feleeted to fupply Pads abfence, and his commendation. 0:9; Particulars commendable are fine. Firfl, ; a Brather. Secondly, a Mina er ofGod. 44' Y Thirdly, a Lahourer.Fourthly a Fellom_' labourer. Fifthly, and that in theGale111 of CHRIST. A Brother he is called, in refpea ofthat common Spi- rit of adoption which all Gods children partake, and whereby they call God,Father: The vfuall Epithets of Chrifbans. There are Minifters,that arc not Brethren: Minif}ers, r hat are not Labourers: Labourers,that arc not Fellow - labourers: Fellow - labourers, but not in the Gof ell of Ci rif }: all thofe was Timothy, and that vvas hisgreeat commendation. Firfl', are therein place of Miniflers, men that neuer knew in experience the life and power of piety or Chri - fl:ianity ? wee may well thinke, lu ch vnable to teach Chrif'c,whom thenafelues yet neuer learn'd.The Apoftle feares to halo" a Nouice admitted to the Office; it were fóme part of our happineiTe, if wee faw normen of very offenfiue lines intruding into the funCtion. Se-