Schlater - BS2725 S35 1627

CH A P.3. Epiflle to the T heffaloniatsf. V E x.2. s 01 Secondly, Miniflers, not Labourer-; fuch the Lord 2 o ifai. 56. o. pEKeck.34.a, 3 plaints the fbeph cards of Ffrael,oto bee giuen tr fleeping;to - i p feed thesrmfelues and not the Flecke. Thirdly, Labourers, but not Fellow labourersiwho1e glory is to be fingular,their life is in vaine iangling; men 9 that dote about queflions, breeding firife rather then godly edifying. FourthIy,there are that ioyne labours, but not in the Gofpell. Papifls boall much of their vnitie and content in Doflrine; be it as great as may be, while it is againft the Gofpell,it is no note of the Church; euen in hell is vnitie. r Satan ie not dittided aQainfit himfelfe. All rhefe holy properties concurred in 'timothy. Miniflers thus qualified, are Gods great 6/effing vino any people: Confider them feuerally. Fitly, necetTarie qualitie ien a complete Miniller, is Fie - tie and experience in Chritianirie. Reafons prooue it.. Firfl,hereon depends in great parr of his &ncffe to teach- Gods wayes vnto his people. A man that will foundly teach conuerfion to another,fit bebooueth him,firfl,haue experience of it in himfelfe: Hee that will foundly corn- forty muflhimfelfe haue tailed Gods corfolations. In other matters of fpeculation and morainic, vnexperien- ced men may fpeake plaufibly; thefe they vtter as fo me orange language, that fpcake not from experience, Se- condly, a Mnillers dude is nor onely to teach, but ro be an" example to dye Floeke, There are tvyo lentes giuen vs as helpes of learning,Sighr,ad Hearing: the one makes benefit by Doflrine, the other by Fxample.Third!'y,and hereon depends much what, Xoar authoritie with the people. Secondly,Payfulncife: fo runnes the Precepr,Be Y in- fant it f of n.ont of feafon : fo was praílice of Saints. Ifni Zn.eaaied bimfelfe, and/pent bis flrength. And the laying is, wee thou dbeas Candies, fpending our felues to glue light to others. Thirdly, q ITim.6.5, 4 r Mattb. I a. 25. fnfQf. 5 i. 23. t 2 iGr.L 4.. u t Tet, 5. 3. x Mark. 6.20. yzTiznA.2. 21fai.49 4.