20 a C x A P.;. An Expoition von the ftrf! V E R. t. a z Pet. a. Io, Thirdly, Loue of vnitie and hudie of it. Singularirie and turbulencie mull bee as farre as any thing, from the courfes of a Mìniller. It is noted of Heretikes, they were at4witss, loafed a toting their owne Song, to goe in a Wayne of their owne beyond the ordinary. And Paul plaints of doting _Queflionifls, that delighted in lludying cafcs,and pellering mens minds with Quiddities ofno moment for b 10.16, 17,18. edification: b marke filch and aueyd them, theyferuenotthe Lord lefts s, but their owne helliu, Fourthly, Confenr in the truth; that it may bee true of rh em,as of Pau!, c They can doe nothing againfl the truth, but for it, Such Minihers, Such Labourers pray Goa tethrall forth into his Harueft.There are the a Paf?ors after gods own heart, that /hall,feedeyou with &newledge and vnde tan. ding, &c. Lacke they honehie ?be they neuer fo learned or labo- rious, Firli, betides that with A liens they doe more hurt by euill example,then good by theirpoetrine; Second - ly,perhaps with the wifea they impayre the authoririe and power of their teaching: Thirdly, at lealiyou want one help in the way to Heauen,when they finger ourthe way, but foot it not as Guides by their example. Haue they honellie, but labour not? Meatier, if I thinke not their (how of honefli a doth more harme with the people, whiles they are idle or ignorant,then the prophaneneire of others? Doc they labonr, but dilfent ? what doe they but di- llraa the people, and bring diem into a Maze, not knowing which way to take ? Confent they in errour ? The more poyfonfull and baneful] grow they to the peoples foules. Ir fhall there- fore behooue you, to pray for Minihcrs that may be mothces indeed; Brethren, Labossrers, Fellow-labourers in Bernatd,iOcant, the Gcfpe llof aryl . Such Minihers are worth Gold;wor- serm.3o. thy to Bate Gold,laith BE R N A R D. `Damibialternm Ti- m 0. C z Cor.13.Y, dala49.38. e ler.3. 15. "'" -TrWowor:.s.