1011.,, C H A P.3 . Epiftle to the Theff aloxrians. VER.2. 203 M O T tt a V M, & ego ciho esrm, fi r, etiam Mehra, Cß' peto balfamo. To fi :bli/h and comfort you concerning your faith. The end of fairing. Great a commendation; Paul bath giuen to this peoples fai t1i ;effetlua ]l; couragious : exem- plary it was: yet to this people to eminent in faith,Timo- tby is Ent to eflablilb and comfort them as concerning their faith. Thence learne we, There is not the firongefi' in faith, hut needes confirmation; none fo couragio ts, but needs comfort. Therefore Abraham the Mirrour of Faith, priuie to his weakneite, fubmits to the g vfe of Circumcifron; recciues that fagne ar afeale, that is, a meanes to confirme his per - fwaGon of iuflification. Petra, mergitur a meretur au- dire,modice fidei,& -c. Si in ilia modica fides, in quo magna fit nefeio. See allo, Roam.1.1 z. Lrakye 17. Weigh but the many mighty Oppugners of this Grace of God: he that feemes to himielfe flrongeft, will not queflion the necellitieofconfirmation, ifnot for his prefent, yet for his poflible wauerings. Thee they are: Firft,Satans incurfions. This grace hee defires efpecial- ly, by hwinnominx to !hake out ofaurhearts. To tell how violently he afTaults Gods Children, feemes needle&Te: fatting before them their part Pinnes, their prefent infir- mities: affrighting with feare of Hell and terrours of Iudgemenr,&c. It thofe things haue nor befalnevs,they may befall vs. It will be too late ro feeke armour in the Day of CorsfliCt. Secondly, theWorlds ontëts. Firfl,By Perfècutions from Aliens,wherein how hard it is for our infirmitieto hold out, let the fearefull Pals of Gods great Saints, thofe many caueatc and comforts, gi- ueatfor incouragement,and our frailtie natural] teach vs. Secondly,Seducement by Heretikes, thole myflicall Hcretikes, elpecially the Miniflers of Antichrift, armed with all the power and policie ofSatan. Third- f Cap. i.3, 6r7. g Rom.4. t t. Hiroo, h Luke 74.31,