60,4;V.iS1`-.'s.taU:.".,:dkt. +lii! . ',r a, 204. \CHAP 3 . An Expofitioi3 upon the firfi V A R. L. Thirdly, Ap oftate Hypocrites: hereat how many fiagger; when They fee men fo eminent in knowledge, and outward as of Picnic, Turne backfrom the holy Corn- mandement! one of the two is prefently luggefted; ei ;her' themfclues are no better then they, or Gods promlfe of perfeuera nce is vncertaine. Fourthly, Scandalous fals of GodsSeruants; making many wauer and grow ful'picious, left they through Ike weakenefle fall into like extremities. Thirdly, Our owne corruption and &fhly concupif- cence; alwayes ¡fighting agai111,9'race, fomerimes k !ea dingy! captiue,clogging vs in euery good duty, till wee begin to thinke fuch rebellion in our members, fuch dulneiTe in heft performances cannot Rand with fince- ritie. Fourrhly,Diuine tentations. The Lord himfelfe Come- times 'writesbitter things againivs; withdrawes the fenfe of his love, in the toy of his fahnation; in filch fort, that who foiudgeth of himfelfe by kis fenfe,muft fay asDe- the Lord bath forfaken him. All theie ftrong oppo- litions againft faith,fhew how neceliary for the ftrong,ft and molt couragious,confirmation and comfort is. They know not therefore their owne hearts,that boa fling of 1 know not what ftrength & perfeEtion of fairh, defpife theOrdinanees of God, fèt apart to our confir- mation and growth in grace.Preaching and Sacraments, &c. are either for Aliens, or Nouices in faith. Thelè are come to fuch perfeCtion,thar they now need no more of our Miniftcrie to confirme them. To whom may I not fay as Ifaac ro lacob,with vnexpeeted (peed bringing his Venifon? How haft thou foundfofóone,my Sonne ? Behold, Gods Children of longer ftanding and more experience, complaine them heauily of doubtings and infidelitie; and notwirhaanding daily vfe ofGods Ordinances,and ftriuing against finde, finde it hard at times to maintaine fo much as endeuour of perfection in faith,and mourning for