CH p,, Epiileto the Theffaloniaser. V Ea.a. forinfidelitie. Dare they anfwer as Jacob ? The LORD bath brought it to their hands; I dare fay of fuck as boast of perfeflion,'and contemne Gods Ordinances, they lye as Jacob. God bath not wrought it. Onely the DeuiIl bath deluded them. Our perfc ¿lion is to acknowledge imperfellion; he is perfetl in Pawls minde , that 2 áck,now- n Pbl ip, 3, ledgethhi, cJf eimpefeE? ,andJfriteesto that marke,Second- 14,15. ly; But yeeld thy faith as firme as Was Abrahams j art thou fure it !hall fo continue ? It is good to prouide a- gainfl pcflible dangers, and in that tefpr& to vie meanes of confirmation. More meanes ; re 6111, continued vie of Gods Ordi- is anties,Hearing,Reading, Sacraments, Prayer, &c. Mi- nifters are given you, not onely to gather you into the Church; but to continue you therein, and. to buildyou o Epbt 4. U,13 onward to perfetlion. Secondly, careful' obferuance of all Gods fauours in former times vouchfafed. Keep Record & Regifler of all Plec'ges and euidences of Gods loue; how hee bath gi- uen due out of temptations, as P Paul,g I) amid, &c. ps Thirdly,Srore thy f elfe with knowledge of the Word ci I Stun. 17.37 of God.'Make thy memory as the r Storehotsfe of the wife rMot.13,5s, Scribe, filled with holy fentences of Law and Gofpell, that againfl euery temptation thou may!} haue whet f to f Epbef ó,17, eppofe. Fourthly,Tye thy f elf precifely to obedience,& the flu - die of San£titi'e.Faith relyes net. on our works,yc t I think with Lombard, Hope and Faith alío arifeth our of our woiks;and is furthered thereby.I fay not by their worth, but by theirprefence, Obedience is the bet} euidence faith can follow, in applying Gods promifes made to vs in rcfpeft of comfort loth any man nie- di *are the general' promife,tha t is not able to atl-ure hi m- felfe that they belong to him.And that alTurance growes from our oócdienceand t fantli fication, t s Pet. Y. o. VERS. 205