CH A P.3. Epif le to the Theffaloniant. V is R. 3.4. Firft, hee bee eares vs in hand, that the courte attended with crotiès, cannot be that which molt pleated, God: he is no flep- farher to his children; it is likely, if our wayes pleated him, our very enemies tbould be at peace with vs. See /cr. 44. Secondly,or the it is foggeflcd,there is no prouidence taking notice of things welt or ill done vpon earth, at leaftu rto prop gouerrby the feruice of God. Thirdly, it neither of there lircceed,yeteafeispleating to flefh arid- blood; her knowes wee are Epicures by na- ture, of voluptuotas difpori tion, of If f tchars minde,reft is good, &e, Arme wee our foúles againft this flatterie and .infinua- don of Saran; he is more to bee feared curs mulcetgwim cttrra terrct.Firft,learne inwifedome to meal'ure the good- nelle of Faith and Pieties rather by the comfortable end, then the pleating beginnings. Secondly, and know,the reward of Religion Bands not chiefly in bleffings of this life, bot, FA, in x inward comforts. Secondly, Ygraces of Gods Spirit, Thirdly, heauenly laappineile. Wee are therer appointed. So is the Ordinance of God, that Z through tribulation ore muß enter into his Kingdome. Reafons ofthe Ordinance if any demand : Firtt, the Lord by this meines would fettle vs in perfwation and hope of a better life after this; which made Pawl fay, that therribulation o: Gods Saints in this life, is an aargtament demonf rae see of a ludgement to come. Secondly, withal], inflame delire and longing after that happy ettare; fo fares it with mot} and beft of Gods children; the cafe of this life abates their eager purfuite of t!°ethings that concerne his Kingdome. And it is re- markable in the Lords courfes,when his children haue beene mole f tfhed in the things of this life,and begunne to furfet ofprofperitie,he bath mingled to them a cup of bitretn ^1Te, viGted with affliction. See Gen.141 2. Thirdly, there is a twofold drone ouer- growing the Church 207 w Mal,3. 14. Y%. x Gal. 6.r6. y 30. Alfi.z412. at a Theft s.