Schlater - BS2725 S35 1627

7.0S C t{ A P. 3 . An Expof tion vpon the firfl V a a.; .4. Church in dayes of peace: Firfl, of Hypocrites,creeping into the body and outward face of the Church. S econd. ly, of Corruprions,growing into the hues of his Saints, as filth on (landing waters. Tribulation is Gods fanne; his Furnace:in times bof perfecution Hypocrites gee away; the feruour ofall gifts and gracious prat-tics is increafed in his children. d Thinks not ftrange of of oClioni, as if fome new thing hapned veto vs ;we are thereto appointed.This way wal- ked all Gods Saints, the Cloud of win-tares. that' haue gone before vs into heauen. The Author and e Prince of our faluation, w c confecrated by of litlions. F Ought nor Chrifi to fairer thefe things, and lb to enter into his glory? And ought not Chritttians to futfer like things, and lb to enters fefloinihipof Chrifts Kingdomeí! There cer- taineh remains o(Chrifts fas f'erings ref'erued for vs, iweet- ned indeed by Chrifts Paflion, yet vnauoydable, of 411 1 z Tim 3.1 a. thole that i will hue godly in Chq Nits. What euer we chinke, there is no part of a Chriflisns kLrsk¿.6,16 life more difcomfoi table, then that which is k free from afHTEI ions : we lacke that way marke, to allure vs of our walking with a right foot tothe Gofpell. 2 Secondly, mhenthou1entrefl into theferuiceofGod ,Rand 1 , fait in righteoufnef e,and fcare, and arme thy felfe for temp- tation: as the wife-builder , fit downe and caft thy coil, thus reckoning, it mutt coil him many a reps och and vexation, that refolues to line godly in Chrilllefus:they dilàduantage their continuance, that with other expec- ration make entrance into Chrillian courtes. Vauidfaid truly,Tbereisa reward for the right cola , yet hands it not in cafe and outward blellings, feuered from the Ceotl:°, bur, fi; il, in the feet peace of a good confcience. Se- condly,gracious endowments of Gods Spirit. Thirdly, to Iam.;r,1%; J the happinelle of abetter life, m promifed to thole that en- dure temptation. 3 Thirdly,.bccaufe the Ordinances (canes harsh to flern and b Matth.13.z t cf3of.çtç . eI d 1 Pet.q.ts. e ëIeb, f DA. zg . a6. gRom.8.17. h col 104.