C H A P. 3. Epifile to the?heffalo,vians. VE R.3.4. 209 and blood ; lee we how to ftablifh our hearts, that the bitternelT of affliaion difmay not from holy praftice. Confider, fiat, they arc all fwayed by the will, appoint- ment andprouidence of our gracious God. Saith Dauid, n What if the Lord haste bidden him curfe ?after he reíolues The Lord had foappointed.S urely with Chriftiás,acknow- ledging aparricular prouidence reaching to all aftions and accidents of this life, this principle cannot but bee perfwafiue for patience, and filence thole many murmu- rings of our hearts again!} the baiënetïe and indignity of the inftrunrenrs. Secondly, in affliCtions we are neereft force bleffing from God It may be, Paid DAVID, the Lord will looks vponmyaffiiEZion,' and doe mcfomegood for this end. It is part may be, that all efilietions of Gods children tend to theirP profit, and q worhe to the good of them that loge God, and are calledaccording to his paerpofe : ,In temporal! things we haue feene often' experiences ; in others, we are lure either to haue Ionic finne more mortified, or fore grace more quickned; force good or other, thinke the CrotTe makeswàyfor. Thirdly, r The iff'ue comes with the temptation: neuer comes afIlaion without his grace accompanying it,that the din may be comfortable,and joyous to the children ofGod. Fourthly, God rewards vitra condignum ; aflliEis citra condignum: that perfwafion whofo caryes,and is acquain- ted with his foule fumes, willingly praycs with Aufline : Hic vre, hicJeca, vt in aternrtm parcas. We toldyoubefore. So fhould Godspeople be acquainted as well reith the l ardjhip, a; with the comfort; as well with the fowre, as with th# fweet of Chriftian pratlice : as our Sau i ou r pron'iißng his Difciples peace in him, r foretels theiraflEti- ens in the world. For, firf},vnexpc &ednetTe,befdes that it makes then more grieuous : Secondly, it diláduantageth them alto P in n t Srm. x6,ri o s.Cam.tó.rt p Hc(r. t n, to q Ro>R.8. z8 r ICor,1.0.13 Odfer. f John x6.33, Matt.to.x6,x7, 4i'ts t4,as.