...-®os. Zio C H A P. 3,. An Expofition vpon thefrft V sit.3.4 in their armour and preparation to beate them: premoni- ti pramaniti. It is foolifh discretion therefore that many adu°ife to a Minif}er, either, as falfe Prophets , to cry, Peace, peace, all (hall be well : ear in wifedome,as they terme it,to con - ceale from Novices the hardíltip they Ghall meet withall in Chri(ianity: whence it comes,thatmeeting with the Croffe, either they goe backe, as miffing the cafe they promiled themfelues in Chrifban courlcs, or elfe are found vnprouided in dayes of afihh(tion. Jr is meet for vs ro preferre the wifedome of Gods Spirit,bcfore our owne carnali difèrerion:if our Sauiour & his Apoftles thought meet to forewarns of the Croffe ; who are we that wee lhould thinke a contrary courtc more conuenient ? I fay then, as the wife man, When thou entrefi godsfer- nice, expect affliction, ObieEé, Left any lay, If the cafe be thus with Gods children, it is good for a man to continue as he 0lrnfw. It were true perhaps,if there were no life after this, or if it were poffible to reioyce with the world, and to raigne with Chriff ; but con(der,farft, that endiefhe life is 1lrtt to be prouided tor, and the way to that happinef]e yes by t the Cro9e.Secondly, is is not poffìble in this life, and that to come, to bane n comRrt, as Abraham intimates to the damned Glutton.Di ficile,ino ímpof6sle efi,vt & pre- fentibus gads & futuris frraaturbons, vt & hic ventrem, & ibi mentem impleat t ve dedelitiis tranfeat ad delfts* 44. Lr(} the condition fcemc hard, confider the fweet fruits of bitteref} aflic?ions. Firf}, they are meanes to r.cor.st.3 xextmptfrow condemnation. Secondly, to rnpke Y partakers y- lieb.: 2,11. ! of the quiet frnit of righteoufncffe.. Thirdly, are attended a.eor >t.s. with theirz comforts. Fourthly, a Warke to VI the incompa- rable crowne ofglory, fe. S . 4i$.14 2 L. U . Lu)¿ 16.4. i3iaronar. VERS.