C H A P. 3. Epiflle to the ?hef'alosi ans . Va R.g. i 211 VERS. q. For thiscaufe when I could no loner forbeare, l jent to know your Faith, 1eí1 by fame meaner the Tempter haue tempted yon, and our labour be in vain. Second end of 'Pauli fending Timothy, is here exprelTed ; to know their Faith, that is, their continuance therein ; which curious care of the Apottle was furthered by a double feare : Fill, of the Tempters ma- lice. Sccondly,of their defeltion. To know your. Faith. Could Paul be doubcfull ofcheir Faith, hauing feene fo excellent fruits thereof in their patience, zeale, con - uerfion ? Charity inclined the Apoille to firme perfwaíon of Anfiv. the bell : yet, fii ft, he was not ignorant thtt mans b heart b ae1.17.9. is deceiitfull; and knew well what our Sauiour taughr,ef fome,cbeleeuingforatime. Secondly, though vtter A- c vlatt,z3.Zr. poilafie from faith fall not into Gods children, yet decli- nations there may bee, and interruptions of Faith-fora time, Thirdly, and there is a hay d iealoufe irs Chriflian d a.cer.zz.a. loue,wherelay fearing the worft,they prouide to preuent it. Fourth:y, lice was not ignorant of the danger the ej7rongfl are in from Satans malice. Fiftly, and knew it e Luk.2.:.3r, no letTe his duty to labour their confirmation, then to endcuour their conuerfion. So ought Minifiers to bee carefullofthe peoples perfeue- ranZ'e,no lefe then oftheir frfl conuerfion. Our firft care is to game foules to Chrifl:; it is no leihe our duty parta tee - i:l.ence Apoftles,where they had planted Chute: es, fo carefully fettled a !landing Minilleiy ; and themfelues in per ion eftfoaner returned,1 to confirme the _We:i des hearts : f as knm. wing , they were giuen not r'nely to gather the Church, but s to build it eseen to perfei-lion. P a Yea ,Zu.. ef. obier. T4.12 .23 g Eph.4. r a.z 3