Schlater - BS2725 S35 1627

212 C a A P. 3. An Expafition vpon theffr V a a. 5 Yea, there are Reafons, why the fpecialtie ofour care fhould be intended to Comic-es rather then to Aliens.. Fi.rfl, our a ìuall bond is neerer with them that are,%hen with thole that pofsibly may be members in Chrifls bo- dy. Secondly, the flare of a Church in ai , may, if it be negleEled, proue worfe then the (late ola No-Church ; white it continuesa Church,the condition is happier, yet may it pofsibly become more miferable: upon this ground, flpoftaf:e it farre wore then imple Inftdelitie,bc. caufe of afïmple I nfidell there is hope heemay become a Belecuer : of an Apoflata, there is no hope, that befall h Heb, 6.6. h be renewed to repentance. Irfe. So that it is an vnwarrantable pretence wee rake for negleél of the people committed to our charge, bccaufe they are, as we thinke, brought to the faith. Paflors may in that cafe become Apofllcs, and choofe to preach ra- ther where the Name of Iefus,was neuer heard of. Fir, are our owne fo perft that nothing need be added ? or i Ephef.4,t3; gaue the Lord Pallors to íat her ønlj, and nor to build the Church to perfea`tion ?Secor_lelly, fuppofe we our people fo eftabli flied in the prefent Truth, that they need no more k r,Pet,r.ra.r3 our kadmonitionr and remiemcin ?Thirdly, or can we be ignorant of Satans wiles, and not take notice how Exod.32.r. by our -' abfence he aduantageth his Kingdome? Fourthly, eai.1.6, or.fuppofe we our people to alrong,thar he dares not giue them the encounter ? Heare them what Pdul intimates in his fare for this people, fo renowmed for Faith, fo cmi "ty nent in all Grace; yet enen of there he is fearefull, left the Tempter hadtempted them. Obfe . There is not thegreatei amon0 the Saints, bat ¡e.t open t temptation. rn Ga16.1. Them fpiritualland moil fanaifiedamongf Galatians,.I ,the Apelle aduifed to confider, that they alfo might bee n rc1,zz. tempted; then Difciples of our Sauiour, Satan dcfired to o- °vtat.4.. winnow ; yea durfì glue onfet too the Some of God clad with our infirmities 3 bath' preuayled againa greater Saints