Schlater - BS2725 S35 1627

a14 C.H P. 3. .4n.Expofitionvpon the firjl Van. ;. we are yet in militia; in the Church Militant, not Trïum phant..God t /hall !hardy tread down Satan vnder oarfeet.. But in the naeane -time, infidiaturCalcaneo; if thou bee carelefle, feare left he fiipplanr thee.. Secondly,Prefitmptuous calling themfelucs into oc- calions of cuill. So grounded, they feeme in Religion, that -they dare enter a vaellunm with the fubtillefl papifl; fo ftabliíhed in Sobriety, all Sanftity, that the propha- neft and molt leprous company can aft none of their contagion vpon them. Whom I would inn-eat to re- member, the Pais of Gods greatefl- Saints by filch -pre. fumption. Memorable is that tpeech-of Nehemiah to If raelites admitting Marriages with the Daughters of a, o.Nebe*13.26 flrange god: Fell not 11 Salomon by thefmeanes ?yet among l the Nations, was no King lihe to him, and he mat beloved of bis God. Let his fall be our feare ; and make vs cautionate how we tempt the Lorá',by head - longing our (clues into occafions of euill. Thirdly,priding our fcltes in- opinion of our fle ength.. The victory is halle gotten, when the heart beginnes %, Prem.:6.8. to (well with pride. We may allude to Salomon ; X Pride. goes before deflru lion ;and a haughty look before the fall. y- G31.61. On this ground `Paul aduif eth, toy reflore with rnee &e ne jf "e Chofe that are fallen through infirmity, confidering our felnes mayberempted,and need as much compafiion hoorn others, as they:now expel from vs. The. fault is common amongfl many, through too lit- Ile acquaintance with humaneinfirmity,and lacke of ob- feruing their owne corrupt inclinations, and Satans un- daunted malice; to infult over the fah of Brethr n; and ratherrigoroufly TO reproue, th en comp tonarely to re- flore. Wee haue enough to talke on, when tidings is brought .vs of Brethren faultings. And as Pharifes,' tobn 8:s.. though guilty of as great finnes, z yet vrge the floningof the Adrslteref fie; fo we thinke extrerniry.all too little to- wards othersfinnes -. Let; ! Rani.16.zo,