Schlater - BS2725 S35 1627

C H A P.3. EQiffle to the Tbeffalonians, V H R. S. 215 Letvs confider, Fiefi, our common infirmity,that we haue not yet fallen, bletièe God that kept vs from like temptations. Secondly, Sarans vnlimired and impartial! malice; (paring none,no not the greatetl,when once the Lord (hall fay vino him, 4 Goe and preuaile. Left the? empter had ternptedyou. TheTempter,anEpi- there of 6 Satan ;as fume fay, in refpe& of that firO tenta- tion ;as others,becaufe he hath made it his proper office, and ir is his ordinarypraûìice to tempt. Where the q ue- Ilion falls in, whether it be the propertte of Saran onely totempt. vnderfland it nor of temptations e oftryall, but of leducemcnr, which e"Ingtefline calls the noxious or hurtful! temptation. There bee that rhinke it lo the property of Satan to tempt, that it agrees to no perlon c r thirg befides, láuc as it is Saransinllrnment, that though men temptirftrm- mentaliter,the world materiahter, yet efficiently the De- tail onely is laid to tempt ; they alledge this Text for proofe. But howfaid I A ie E s ? A assn is tempted of his orate a.concupifcence? our Sauiour, Out of the e heart *end ill thoughts, though the Deuil rake not in that pudle. Ber- nard, there is morbos mentis, as well as merles Serpenti:: There is maluminnatum, as well as feminatum. There are ill thoughts, which are polo: cordis, befides thole that arefeminarium bo/tis. Yet is the title in a fen(e peculiar to Satan, becaufe hec is the Tempter r,o' ieoxiw; the chiefe or principal Temp- ter ; or becaufe all f nnes and temptations come at lead indireEily from the Deuill ; in as much as by him was procured the deprauation of Nature; fo that to him,as to the firf}caufemay all noxious tentations bee refolued. Whether the onely or the principal( ; a{ Tempter we are fine he is. See we, firfl, what it is to tempt, Secondly, parts ofSatanicall temptations. Thirdly, kindes.Fourth- ly, realms. p4 To a t,21 b b9at,4.1.3 e GenE2z.t Aquinpart.r, qa of .r4f arts. d Ion.' '.13. e Mat.' S. rg. Reined. in Can tic.SCrm.;t. f