216 I Ç a AP. 3 . An Exsnofizion vpan t hePtt VER. S . g I4m,r.c3. h Ieh.13.,t. ., i Gen.3.p. k 1Kat.4.6. To tempt, in this fenfe taken, intimares an endeuour g to draw our hearts from Cj'od,and to entice to difobedsence The parts of temptation are three ; FirfR, Suggeflion: the carbit of euilf thoughts into the minde ; as into hl v n As, hiaheart, theD,:uili threw that thought,to betray his Ma. fier. Secondly, perfrv,a ion; the pref ing o` the fuggetiion 1 with fogne reafons that may perfwade the mindetoap. prooue, incline the will to confent to that euill as good. The fuggeftion is after a fore the con clúfion; the perfwa- (ion the argument to enforce ir. Example : i Fate the for- biddenfruit;is the fug4eft iontoEue;Ye%'sa1lbeeasGods; the peri'wadon. k (aft thy feIfedowneheadlóng; the fug- geflion. The Angels halm charge to keepe thee, the perfwa (ion. And it isvrged, fir(},fometimesby way ofinticement as when by promife of forne good that giuing way to the fuggeftion drawer with ir, we are allured rather then terrified : as the elfin fpirit in the mouth of Ahabs pro_ i r.iOng.,zz.at. ! phecs,vnderrakes to 1 entice him, by promifing profperous Voyage to Raroth Gilead. Secondly, Somrimes in way of rcrrour ; as when by propounding fome fearful! cull], he labors to draw from vs content to his fuggefl;ions Thirdly, The lafl parr of Satanical) temptation, isin- fi ation, Theinflant and importunate vrging of the fug geftion; gluing no ref} till he bath procured confent,ifit en. r.cbro.a:.a. he pofTble. Satan m prouoked D AVID to number the peo- plc; It feemes hee was not facisfied with once liiggefiing or perfwading that thought of Pride, but with infla.nce againe and againe renewed, prelfed onwards to executi- on, .So fitrd wee often a kinde ofimportunirie in vrging temptations. The kinds follow: t' iey are diuer flydiffinguifhed;5rff9 eexmodo. Firfl,Some are immediate,wherein Satan vfech no intirument in tempting; as in that ofour Sauiour Se- Ì condly, Some mediare,wherein men or women are,vfed" as,