Schlater - BS2725 S35 1627

CH AP 3. Epi fite to the Theffalonians. V u R. S. 2-[7 as his in!iruments;fo tempted he Adam by Eue; .Ahab by falfe prophets. Thirdly, Some tnixt ; as wherein perhaps the fuggeftion is from Satan immediately; the perfwafi- on or int.-ligation by his inftruments. Secondly,Ex euentu ;be their iifue ; force are effeelrt- all, /erne ineffetluall temptations; E f feílua!l, wherein he preuayles, more or )effe. InefeHuall, wherein he pre - uaylcs not: as in our Sauiour, n Iofepb,erc. n Gen- Reafons oftempting in refpeí`ì: of Satan. Firft, His enuic at mans poflible felicitie: through en- uie of the Deuill carne finne into the World. It is Ber-. Box ale aduentu swards cpinon, that man was created to fupply the defect seran.t. of Angels in Heauen, and to repayre that breach that their fall had made in the heauenly Ierufalem. Satan en- uying vs that happi_nelfe, labours by temptation to draw vs from ir. Secondly, The blinde malice and fpight wherein hee is, carryed againft God and his Chrift. The fenfe of tor- ments which hee indures, makes him oppof:,as much as may be, whatfoeuer is glorious to God, as is the obedi- ence and faluation ofhis Children. Reafons of G o D S permiflion if any aske ; Though it fhould fuf ice vs to know, the Lord keepes the hooke in his noirils, and wits nothing of his Children but what he ouer-rnles to their good : yet probably there may bee alledged:flrPt 0 To humble his Children, & preuent Pride o z,rer.12.7; and fecuriitie. Secondly, That Chriff not only in perfon, but in his members may conquer Satan. T hirdly,rhar the equine of gluing P vs the crowne of life, may appeare to p ramar.r a, 'all. What euer the Reafons are, Satan wee arc fiire hash his imployment in temptation. On this ground is our Sauiours inference ,To q watch & fè prrey ,leftwe enter into temptation.The parts of the prefcript ' q Maa.a ,4, are two. Firft, Wirtchfulnes, implying, Firfl, expelfation of tertation.T a is no final] aduantage giuen to Satan, to pro - mife our felues immunitie from his affauits , thence is it, eha.