that in the confliel wee are found vnprouided for rcii- Tert.11dc onit. Hence ; Tertulrian of the Difciplcs. Adeo tentati fan: Dominamd-ferenda,gnsa fomno potissincluferunt,quiimora- tiani.1f euer we haue rett from Satans temptations, iris onely to aduantage himfelfe through our fecuritie. Hee r tak q.. z; left our Sauiour r for a f aJn : but for a feafon; to reach vs, after one tentation to expeft another: and neuer to be fe- cure of fo dangerous and watchfull an Aduerfary. Se- condly, Cs>cuwfpeetion; diligent heed - taking to our f t.cer.7.s. (clues , that wee giue no occafion of î aduantage to the Tempter, The fecond part of the prelcript is Trayer;aduiled be- cattle of ourinfirmitie :l difpuwe nor thequcltion,whe. ther it be lawful! to pray freedome from all temptations. Truth is, it is vtterly vnlawfull to pray general! immuni- tie ; exemption from particulars,may perhaps be prayed; yet with fubmif ion to the will of God. Howbei f rengrh to reff tentation, grace to fsspportin temptation our dude;. is to pray. t Gods promife to grant, if we pray as we ought - They ill prouide for their comfort in temptation, that vndcr pretenceofvnworrhinelre to obrayne, or coltines in Prayer, neglect this Ordinance of God, that to all o- u Ppber.s.t8. ther the fpirituall armour ugiae .rlrengtb.Graniseguidem Bernard nobis eft inimici tentatio. fed longé grauior ills orario Hoff ra. Thirdly , To thefe let be added ,complete armour mentioned by the Apollle. Fourthly, Obferuance-of Saran, wiles, and our owne in- firrnities: where his greateft likelihood is to preuayle. Secon dly,The fenfure is not Furth to fay of any enrifing x lob.8 44. to euil,tha t they are inilruments orxChi/dren ofthe Deuil!, who( worker they doe;whofe nature they rcfemble;onefaid once,, Ñot peccata, tot Danoonaa; of many euils, fo many Dewls;we may truly 9áy, fo many Tempters, fo many in. ornate Deuils. A people rife in euery place; Pherifes y aiat.23.r f: were not more painful! 1 to make. Profelites, then they part - z Proa.4. r f. tiers in their excetre of ry ot, zTheir fleepe departs, except They