C HC , pifile to the Theffalenilns. V RR. S. I 219 _ they coif-Owe fam to fa!l.O ut S auiour flack not to call a Peter ' a mat .16 23 Satan_ in thar.cale. How may Satanicall temptations bee difcerned from eeii. thole ofour owne concupifcence ? I thinke with Bernard, it is fcarce potlible taput exalt ÁnÎw difference ; neither is it much materiall ro know. This retain cantic. Sera. 2. hold for a rule :Whatfoeiertheughtexaltethit felfebagainff h 2 mór,to.;. the obedience,ofCbrit,is a temptation;. - whether from Sa tan, or from thine owne heart, . is fomewhat curious to inquire; our care fhould be, not to coulent thereto. The Tempter: The Derail then id a Tempter, but lure we- Obfer-. are he is no inforcer. He may fuggeft, perfwade, prouoke to euill; enforce he can no m.intayeeld to his temptations. There is a: threefold liberty. of the will ; Firtt,from fume. I Secondly, from mil ery.Thirdly,from.necefíit.y.The two Era we loft in Adam ;from na ry and coaElianthe will le fli!l fo free, that if it could be conitrained,it were no will. Therefore the Lord in conucrfion, forceth not the will, but fweerly inclines it. The Deuill in temptation, com- pels nor, hut perfwades it. Truly laid the Heathen,. Ne- menolensmalau: and neme peccat-issnit /. Not a Beare or Lyon, but a Serpent fupplanred our firlt Parents : a Crea- ture not flronger, but more fubtie then orherr. Serpens,$ Bern.dedaplici Elea, decepitte;decepit profcbtó, non impulitast coe,it. The Bapt ao. euill fpirit returning, ingreditur, non irrnit,cnm ails feptem negleioribase, non fortreribue. _ How then lay weof Gods Childrens infirmitiesy they ; el. are inuoluntary fin nes? Firft, limply and in cue, y refpeninuoluntary, they are Anfl; not, their anions are of mixt.Nature : in part voluntary,. part inuoluntary, becaufè the confent is not fisll. Secondly, In Gods children is fle b andfpirit : the will ispartly fi partly 1pirituall, ,as farre as it is fpirirual I,.. it.contents not; but qrs ì.carnalis, it yeelds willingly to- motions of cuill,.. This.once_we arefur.e;.forcerhere can none be otp.red tO