Schlater - BS2725 S35 1627

C H-AP. 3 . Epafile to the Theffälonians. V a R. $ . 221. fraEl:aric ¡hall know, there bath Beene g a ProphetansangiZ g F.eeb.2.5 them. h a.Cor. 2.15. Nor in refpc& of the Apofile.we are vnto God a 1, meet fauour in them that are fatted, and in them that perilh : bee that laboured in vaine and (pent his flrength,iyet knew his 1 Ifa 4.9.4. labour was wit/gibe Lord, and his trprke with his God. It rcmayncs then that he intends it vaine,in refpeE& of the people ; in cafe they had giuen way to Satan,and re- wired from the Faith. e,aipotáfe and defeE-ion from Faith, and Obedience make! Obfer. the Miniflerie, dl things vaine vnto vs. Therefore Paul feared he had klaboured in vaine anaongf} G alacia-ns, per- k GA1.4.I I. ceiuing their begun defec`ti9nfrom the Go.gell they had re- ceiued : and, baue t yee fu fered fo many things in vaine.? I Gal.3 4: bee intimates their pafions and patience, all would bee vaine to them, in cafe of their reuolt. Compare Ezech.3. ao. 2 ,foh.8. For the Crowne of life is promifed not co beginners, but to thofe that continue. Lcr nee exhort therefore in Saint Iohns words, Looke to VIE'. your felues, that you lofe not the things yee haue wrought. There are atnongfl vs many whole beginnings are corn fortable. It hhall be farce from me ro doubt of their per - feuerance: yet let mcc fay as Pa,V t,iu Sufcrthe troxds or . xcb,,.., exhortation. Caueats are not,arnit fe to-them whodczeale is moft feruenr,efpecially in ttacfe times whcrcin wee tee iniquity abounding, and ° the loue ofmany waxen c,ld. Bre- 11- =G't-1411>, three, how many hauewe feene of excellent beginnings and proceedings, yet growne wrarie of well. doing And allured with eafc,or profits of this lifc,or Effrtghre,d with reproches, &c. (horrefca referees )turnedb-acke from the holy Commandement givenvnto them. Ler their faRls be our feares, or cautions at leafÈ, to make vs watchfuil,,ho we giue way tolikc.temptarions .ln. all is-the fame inch, i nation naturals to Apoffafìe; and were itnor, wee are -&kept by Gods power to faluation, like would-be our ilTue, : o t.F«:I.;. I befeech you therefore,bewarehowyeeP receiue the grace p 2.Ccn6a. of