Schlater - BS2725 S35 1627

i<\+v° " ' °_D . r"'.''áav«.. aA..,. :-óe,.à,.,?'M` . ;+. '' . . sai ¡ C ti A P. 3 . An Expefltian vpen the firß V u R.5. of God in vaine ; lofe not the reward of your hearing, praying, obeying all things : feare to be noted of Backe - Aiding, or to abate any thing of yourdiferect feruour. No flare is more difcomforrable, then that of Apoflafze, q z.Pet.z,zt: better neuer to haste known, thengkroorringtoturnebacke. from the holy Commpzdement. Will it be amifïe to acquaint you with the wiles ofSa. tan ? and by what degrees,he infenfibly drawcs many in. to that flare ? Firfl, from feruencie he leades to temper, Rettel.3.z 5. to moderation, as plaufibly hee ternies the r lukeroarme, worff temper ofthefou lein demotion. Not good, he fait h,to f Ecc1.7.t6. be ouer-egre ; we may f osier -much ; there is a rea- fon in all things : by which pretence of difcretion,how many haue left their firfl loues and faine into profane; nc utralitie? Secondly,alluring to carnali libertie upon former eui- dences of Gods fauour, and lbggellion of vnchangeable- nefTe of Gods loue,and the irrevocab/eveffe of his gifts and calling. True fuggeílions. But how, I wonder, can they thinke them (clues amögfl the Called according to Gods purpofe, that turne his graceinto wantonneffe ? when as the t s.Pct. t eteidence ofthat calling and elellion, is care to departfrom e- z.Tim,a.zr." aifl? They fhould rem'ember,rhat though it be necellaric ro repent in hope, yet it is dangerous to ['nine in hope. * * It is Irfcdelit fiducia,& Niue maledithoniscapaxquando d.4, nc. ferra.3 in fpe peccamace. Caule enough fuch haue to feare, left for- mer lignes of grace, were fhaddowes only of that grace that fauns, or the Hypocrites flallies, their thong de- lufions. Thirdly, there is yet a third, and it is much amongfl men, that lone to make experiments in earthly vanities, and to proue whether it be not pofsible to preferue their wifedome, with alirtie indulgence to the fleft. Salomon, in othar humour, made fhipwrackc of good confcience, u,3 u whiles he defred to proue his heart with worldly vanities, to fee whether they could affoord him any fuch cot,ìent- ment,