C rt a p. 3. EpìJfle to the The denhtns. V I R. S. 12 3 nient, as worldlings fancied to themfelues therein. In this cafe it is fafefl; : Fiifl, to rea in Faith of the Word of God : I t tells thee all is x vain to the feare of God, belecue x Ecct.12.13. it without proofe.Secondiy, in euils, it is fafefl to learne by other mens,rather then by our owne experience. Be- lecue their relation,that hauingglutccd themfelues ther- with, cry our of nothing but vanity, and vexation of /pirit. Were he not a mad man, that fecing the inteffioufneire of thepef}ilence or leprofie in others experience, would, for more fenGble proofe,aduenture into infcE ed houles? should we not think him out of his wits, that would not belecue the fire will burne, till bee had thrown himfelfe into a fcorching flame ; as furious and infatuate are they, that throw themfelucs into the mouth of the Deuill, ro proue experiments of poflìbility in the refcue. Annexwe preferuatiues ágainfl this dangerous euill. Firtl, beware of Y prefumptuotesfsnnes, finnes againft con - y Tfs1.19.13. fcience,and in pride and contempt of God coximirted.If any /hall z blefe himfelfe in his rvic&ednefe, upon hope of z Deat.z9.19. Gods mercy, ro that mans _linnet the Lord will not bee mer- as". cifull. Sec)ndiy, feare to a quench orfmother the £weer moti- a Japhef 4.30. ons ofGods Spirir,that would leade thee to perfe( ion. I. Sam.z4.r6. Thirdly,in Gods-feruice feeke not earthly things, as if er z6.z"o they were the reward of Religion. By this oceafionma- ny haue reuolted from faith and all feare ofGod,for that they b roiled that e, /e and bonoar,theyajmedatinentring b Mai.3.14. religious courfes. 15.