224 I C H AP. 3. An Expolition vpon the ftrfl V E, g.6. VERS.'6.7. But new when Timer heut came fromyou to vs, and brought vs good tidings of Faith and Charitie, and that yee banegood remembrance of vs alwayes, deJring greatly to fee vt, rats we alto to fie you. Therefore, Brethren, wee were comforted otieryou in all our affiscrlion and difire /f e,byyour Faith. Obfer. !therm of Timothees fending to TheiThlo. nica, top: her wirhthe caufes thereof; followcs his rerurnethence, and the re =' port hee makes to the Apof}le, touching their gracious eilate: wherein are obfer- uable, Fu -IT, the matter of' the tidings and relation. Se- condly,the effects of it in the A poftle. The things he makes relation of,are, Firft,their.faith. Secondly, loue to the Saints. Thirdly, Ipecialry of loue to the Apoftle : declared by two etFets and properties of loue. Firft, remembrance of him. Secondly, and defire to fee him. The effeEts in 'Paul are, Firfi, Comfort. Secondly, Life. Thirdly, Thankfgiuing. Fourthly, Prayer,&c. -Of your Faith and Charity. The frequent coniunEtion oftheieGraces in the Apoftles writings, occafions, to obferue -their vndoubtfull concurrencein the hearts of' Chri fiais. Compare Colof. t.4. Philem. verj. s. z Thef i. vert 3.&c. Thoru.z.a.q.61, The quefiion is ancient amongft Popith Schoole- art.4.- men, efpecially the followers of Thomas: And is thus ref'olued: To Faith they afliigne.a double Iúbuftence, one in genereNatttra, the other in genere Moris. The meaning of their termes thusconcciue: Faith,theyfay, bath the truth of his fubfftence ingerere Natura, when Stet.in3.Di ?. it bath all the eirentials of its Nature, whereby it is 36. ad4rt,4. difiinft from other intelleátuall habits, and is prin- ciple.