CHAP 3'. Epiflleto the Theffalonians. VER.6.; 225 ciple ofthe propor aas thereof, in refpea of its proper obiehls. Suppofe when there is wrought in a man, a firme and voluntary agent to divine Reuelations, for theauthority fake ofthe diurna &euealer. Such Faith,true in it kind,who can deny may be without Charity? Faith true in genere ,112o- ria, when it is growne to haue a vertuous fi blitlence in vs, that is,as Scotia interpreteth,an acceprablenclÏe with God, ind b comes to be a dilpofition to beatitude, and fit to attaine the vtmoft luperexcedent end. This they confeife is not, nor can be without Charity. In which opinion,be(de more obfcure and Philotophicall expli- cation, what-great odd es can be ditcerned from that we teach? Euen we confetie there may be true Faith w: ere Charity is not, true in it kind ; altenting firmly to the whole truth ofGod, which force call Catholike, force Hiftoricall Faith. But that there should bee iuliofying Faith, and Bich as giues vs intereft to Chrifts righrcoul= nefre, and eternal( life, without Charity ; wee hold a dreame phantafticall, hauing no footing in the word of God. Faith that iuflißes, ewonkesby loue: If there bee any c GA1,6. that wo kes not by loin, Saint lames faith, d it is a d lam 2.24 ,corps of Faith, without life and power to inflifre vs in the fight of God: yet followes it not hence, that they ioync in the office of iutiifying,becaufe they meet in the hearts of Gods children. Knowledge is fo coniuna with Faith in the mind, that with many it goes for a part of Faith : yet was it euer heard , that knowledge fpeculariue should iuftifie vs in Gods fight ? we conclude then, that iuftifying Faith, or, to vfo the Schoole terme, Fail h true ingenere Mori s, is neuer feuered from loue of God and his Saints. 1 Vie it to try the truth of Faith, which wee feeme to irfr. haue receiued We flue in times,wherin if the profefúó of men be true,Chrifts quefliö,which i_mplyes a predifiion, 2 may 1.