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ve ,-r a,s.±.. 126 C H x p3 nEro.ltienveXtbe fog y 116 may (tense friuolous, and his Prophetic vntrue. Suppofe Luketa.8. Ìyee, thate when the Some of Miff Comes ,hefhall fndfaith on earth? Sure, if it bee true, that our people generally vaunt of themfclues,,neuer were times fuller of faith, then thefe left dayes, of which Chrift prophefied a fcarcetie, and as I may far,a famine of faith:Thereis no man fo prophane, fo ignorant, fo rancoroufly malicious again(} GODS ' Children, but profefheth faith as firme as Abrahams; as effeEtuall almoft,as that of Martyrs ; Bring wee it to this Touch-none: Thou fàyft thou belecuefl Chrift dyed for thy finnes. Thou doeft well; fo doth many an Hypocriteprofcfe, wlwn his confcience tels him, his faith is but fancie. But wilt thou know,0 thou vaine man,that faith without loue f Luke 747. is dead? faith workes by loue; rand who fo bath many rennet forgiven, loues mach the forgiuer, and all that bee knowes beloued of him. How wilt thou perfwade vs thou half perfwafon of Gods loue to thee, when thy heart tels thee there are none more odious to thee then thofethat, are deareft unto God? In that lcagucentredtwixtGod and his Church,thus hands the cafe, hereis a cornmuni Pfd.139sr, tie of Amitie, and a cornmunitie ofEnmirie. g Gods foes h Pfaf.16.s,3, are their foes; Gods fiiendsh their friends. Now blelfedj be God, that keeps his hooke in the noftrils of his foes; I and in a Chri Tian Gouern men r,reïl:raynes by feare;there were elle no liuing for Gods Children on earth, in this Generation fo full of faith, or rather fo vtrerly fairhlefll'e.' More efpeciall CharaEters euidencing truth of Cha ride. Firft, That which they loue in Saints, is their Saint- (hip , though there be no miser Load -(lone of loue, nor bond in Nature, nor perlonall merits, or the Image of God, (hining in them, drams affef}ion,Difciples are h- i Met1©42,. wed, 3 co nomine, becawfe Difciples. And to loue of this qualicie, I dare fay, no faithlel %man can come* Sca