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C Al AP.3. Epi file to the the lIonia n. V a x.6. Secondly, To this let beeadded, that their loue is v- niucrfall, and, as 1 may fay, imparriall: In it are compre- hended k ad Saints. Any in whom they fee the Image of God mining, fo farre as they can difeerne, they embrace in their loue. And this wee may conceive as a marke difcerning whether we loue them as Saints, or in other refpefìs. If grace be that wee loue in them, where euer it acmes it felfe,whether in noble or bate, poore or rich, &c. our affe6tions are thither drawne. There is in many a s partiall and proud to ue, as dames notes it; whether it be found or not,iudge yee.Rich,and Honourable, and men ofFafhion, though perhaps infe dour its grace, yet haue the preferment in our Loue. our Societie, Conference, Countenance, &c. The meaner fort, whom God perhaps harh made more m rich infaith, &more honoredwith plentie of his grace,cuen for their meant ettate,are as meanly,if at all,regarded.When may wee Tooke for Davids fpirit in fuch men? A King to make himfelfe n companion of all finch at feare God, and keepe his Precepts. Ind that yee home good remembrance ofvs ,&c. As to their faith was ioyned loue, fo in their loue is obf rued a fpecialrie towards the Apollic. They loved all Saints ; but had eipeciall remembrance of Paul; him, about ma- ny, they de(ired to fee. The points are two. Firti, Though none of Gods chit. ken may he excluded from our loue : Secondly, Yet there are that may hauegyecialtie, and preeminence in our of reCti- ons, as Paul had with Thelalonians. Clsrift lourd all his owne, yetis John tingleel out with that fpeciall ENcomium; The. Dafeiplewhom beloueel.Diuines anciently obferued a neceliary order in louing. The tye of affections in this kinde is fcaare -fold. Finn; Nature. Secondly , Societie. Thirdly, Pcrfonall Me- rits. Fourthly, Common Vtilitie. Firít, The common bond of Chriftian affeftions,is Q`Z Grace; 22 9 k Cel,t.g. 1 Iam.a. r. m lam.s.y. n Pfa1,119.63 Ob. fer. o Tohn,13ai;.