128 ( CmAP. ;. AnExpofitioaupon tiefirfi VITA Grace Hereto may be added that of Nature and Blood, that iuftly makes it fironger. It may bee queflionable, whether a man may preferre aGracelcfre Childe,bcfore a Gracia; s friend. Of this, I rhinke, is no queflion;but that a man may loue a Graceles Child, or Farhe *,or Bro- ther, more then a Gracious Stranger. Secondly, To this fucceedesSocietie and Cohabita- tion; fuppofe, in the fame Nation ,Neighbour -hood, Family, s Tim, I q.8. 3 -Thirdly,To chele adde Perfonall Merits. In which re- p rSara.rs,i. fpeft, DAVIDS fosslePclasrefocloftto the faille oft oNA- T H A_N;a man to whb for care he was fo much indebted. 4 Fourthly.Common Vtihtie. Somuff publike Perlons, Magiftrates, Minifters,haue preferrnenrin our affeaions about urinate Chriflians. As A gy I L A and P or SCI L- 9 Rom. r 6.4. L A layd donne q their own pecker for P A V L s fafetie, they thought of him as Danish Seruanrs of their King, His r z Sam. i S. 3. finder was worth a thoufand oftheirs. The folkof one Paul to the Church of G o D, is more then of thoufands of common Chriflians. Fiftly,To thefe may be added,the greater meafures of. Sanctification.. The L o rt D fermes not without caufe to prefcribe vs this order oflouing,perhaps to worke in vs a holy kinde of emulation, and Brining ro excell ingracious gifts and praftices. Certainly, there is eafily obferued in the ho- lielt, a delire, perhaps from Gods owne infpirement, to be dears and entire to the Saints of God ; and a kind of ambition, to be ofmore then ordinary efleeme among(t Gods Children . Ir fhould ferme to this end, that wee might all labour to excel] in Grace, that fo wee might haue preferment in the affeftion of Gods people. Vj. It fhould moderare and reflraine the complaints of Gods Children of meaner ranke,:not much vnlike what f .111$ 6. we read amonglI tGreekes, Murmuring that their Wi- dowel were negle5fedin the daily nniniflration. Now a 5. .`;fr46