CHAP 3 . Epsf{le to the Zhef fälonians. V H It. 6. 229 Now, God forbid,therneaneft amongft Saints should be deiiled of the greatest. There are Lome offices of loue, ratheft to bee extended to the weaklings in faith. Nam C mater quern agrotantem nouit filium,magis fouet dr fepiús amplcttitnr. Yet may wee not cent-tire Gods children, as if they brake duty, becaulè fbme are in affeEtion preferred be- fore others. Firft, The meafures of Grace, or common Utility, mäy make fuch difference necefrary. Secondly, And perhaps, fome caufcs of leire efteeme, ftickes in the perlons thus feemingly neglected. The Image Of God, the onely Load -f }one ofgracious affections, pe; haps in them hath more nxues and blemifhes.They make not to ftreight fteps to their feet ; p. rhaps are after a fort t filets and blots in our illfemblies, and tco foule blemifhes of their ho'y Prufeflion. I fay not, for particular infirmities they Ihouldbe excluded float our loue. " Lone cowers a multitude of lans. Yet may not Inch be offended, if in fuch cafe they fee not like tzranifef?ation of entyreft loue. }Iußine, that thinkes our loue thould be equall to all, in ref pelt of the affe(tion; yet allowes a difference to bee made in the of fees thereof. Wherefore it (hall behoue them to wip away thole (pots, wherewith they blemifh the am:abi, beauty of Gods Image, that drawer affcRions of hi children: And for vs all,let it be our care, ro labour fo as touch eminence in Grace, as wee deare to hue in Gods childrens loue. The fècond thing here obleruable is, how to Paul, the man by whole Minif}ery they wereconuerted, he(peer -_ al y oftheir affeftion was carried. W here warily our notice is the affeftionofa people that bath tailed the power and comfort ofthe Mintftery. How deare to fuch thole Miniflers are by whom they haue reedited Comfort, Cower/on, Confirmation! a Their feet are beautiful/. The peoples deareft things, their b right ` eyet, ..tugufi. , tiPet.z.r;. u t Pet.ç, 8 dugufi. de dolt. chri(t, s Obfer. a b G»!,gty. e