Schlater - BS2725 S35 1627

/21fr-r,, 554 9 Mat. 9 r t. COI. 5.10. t Mat. 6.29. CHAP.5. 4n Expojitionvpon the Izrfi Vg&.22 and of their incimous Familiars,feemes sarrantable,Eat nit our Sauiour with Publicans and Sinners ? To ioyne with Idolaters in the worfhip ofIdols,is thought abcmi- nable ; Friendliefi conuerfation with Idolaters, what' cuill implies it ? they may perhaps gaine them to truth I of Religion. Pride they protell to lothe; but to goe colt - ly attyred, abone abilitie and calling, the heart being lowly, they thinke may well become women profetling the feare of God. Firft, As if' the Apoflle had laid in vaine, e.lditaine from all appearance of twat. Secondly, And may not things lawful], by neglcctofdue circumflances, become linfull in the doer ? To conuerfè with mill men, is not limply to all men, in all fòrts finfull. Then had our 9 Se'- uìourerred;then r mnfl wee goe out of the world. But fa, miliarly to vie fuck, what is ir, but Firft, to harden them in mill ? Secondly, Without calling to frequent their company is to hazzard thy felfe to infection. Thirdly, To wound fame at leaf} by this thew of mill ; occafioning beholders to cenfure vs as fauourers of their lewd courtes. Cofily and gorgeous attire is not to all men, at all times vnlawfull. The High Prief} amongft Iewes had his Veftiments ;of the cofilieft; and our Sauiour blames notS w L ONION, f for his clothing in Royaltre. But, be- yond compaife of abilitie to array our (clues, is prodiga- litie ; aboue our Calling, no letre than Pride ; at leaf} a fhrewd jj ecies and appearance of ir. I cannot oft enough repeat that Canon of Bernard, fo much vie hath it in the life of a Chriftian, All our actions and intendmenrs fhould be prcuented with this triple confderation : Firfi, An liceat? Secon dly, -/fn deceat? Thirdly,efla expediat? Things lawful! in themfelues may be vnfeemely for our Race and calling; vnbehouefull alto to benefit of others ; Thinke vnlawfnil for thee, whatfoeuer implies either inexpediencie or indecorum. Se- _