Schlater - BS2725 S35 1627

Ci4 AP.5. Epp to the 7`4 always. VER. 2 2. 555 Secondly, And mull the fhowes of (will be auoided ? how much more fhould the euills thern(clues bec abhor- red ? Is the thew of Idolatry fo euill ? how much more accurfed is Idolatrie it felfe ? Is 'it fo cull! to ((eine cove- tous ? much more to bee fo, fecme we neuer fo liberals or religious_ Curled Hypocrites there are many, fcrul pulous of nothing but the fhowes of euill ; fo their out- tide be painted, no matter how full of rottennclfe their inwards arc. Let them but feeme deuour, others (hall haue lea tic to expreife the porvcr and fife of GodGnefje. Let them not fame prophane 5 they t will bee abominable, difobedient, and to every good worke ou reprobate. But is it euill to feeme euill ? muck more to bee fo. By feeming euill thou woundefl Fame ; by being euill ,thou pierceft Confcience, and expofcfl thy foule to the wrath of God, Thirdly, From all appcarance, Greater or left(: There - fore from culls all,be they neuer fo fmall.Thcre is inde of Liberrinifine coafling nearer vpon prophanenelfe, than what the Apollle here.interdiets vs, and it is much amongfcmen. A generation we haue, whole whole out cry is, againfl precifenefl'e, and (Irk} care to flic from euill. Enough they thinice it to (hune grail-efl Gnnes ; with Ittler the Lord will beare ; It is our too much ni- cetie once to fcruple them. Fidl, Let vs confider, the greatcft appearance and (hew onelyofmill; is letfeeui!l, than the lealieuiil that is ern!! in realtie; yet mull all (heaves of euill be auoided. Secondly, ° The breaeh of the kill Commandement makes vs le f c tl as nothing in the Kingdome of Heaver,. Thirdly, Little Gnnes haue often great confequences ; draw after them greater, in cafe they be neglcEted. Ncyreo repent( fit pejmmu. Fourthly, At leali by their multitude, they proue perr.ictou §. A V- G v S T I N E.' Mirut,t flint grata quef umina implent minuta funtgrana area e ; red fi multa arena emponattar, premit argue opprimit. Hoc facit((mina negletla, quad facit 2 t Titus r..16. 3 0 u Mat. y.19. * Al. in loan. Ivm ;rPfal.129 E rrnard. Tunc tcse dan is, e t. e