t 5 5 d \ CHAP. Ç, fl' Expofition vpot th frrfi VER.23, 1 facit fin Hui irruens: paulatim per fentinar,, intrat ; f_d din intrana'o, 6- non exbauriendo,merQit nauim, Fitly ; And can we cal it little wherwith Chrii is offended ?for which we mutt be brought to Gods Iudgement Seat ; when it is fo fearfullto fall irte the hands ofthc liking God? Let vs all bee exhorted, = to make firaight fleps to our fret, to wa!ke accurately and Y exao`lly according to our rule ; to hate z the garment ffrotted of the ffh : Prouiding for Confcience, by elchewing euill ; for Fame by auoiding the (liewes of cuill. And of the matter and fubflance of the Epiftle, hitherto. xHeb.ra.r3. y Ephef,5.15. Iudet3. VERS, 23. And the very God of Peace fanárfeyau wholy. and I pray God,your whole fpirit, and foule and body be prejerued blamelefe vnto the Commingofour Lord leftu(brifl, H s Conclufon of theEpiftle remaines. Wherein we haue îrrft a Petition sut öp vnto G o n on behalf of this people; wherein fummarily, the Apoftle praies God to workein them what hee had ex- horted vnto ; progre& and perfeuerauce in Sa'Elity. The points obfei ueable are, Firft, That he prayes.Se- condly, What hee praies. His fait, and the matter of ir. From his fait praying God to effect what hee had ex- horted vnto, wee learn e, That the venue and power of all exhortation, oft he whole A iniflery, depends on the ble/Ing of God. P A v L planteth,A r o r. L o watered: It is a God that glues the increa fe. Firft,what elfe fhould be thereafon,why the fame word preached by the fame Minifter, in the fame euidence of the Spirit and power, becomes vertuous in fame to their amend-