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C II Ar, S. Lpitleto the Theffalonians. VP n . 2 3. amendment ? and either hardens others, or at leali a- mends r hem not? Why e Lydia alone,amongft that mul- titude, beleeues the preaching of Paul ? Why C a tenth only returnes at Efay his preaching,therelt are hardened ? Is it mans will only that puts this difference ? or rather the grant or deniall of the Grace of God ? In Lytliaes cafe, Luke glues the reafon of her attention ; God opened her heart. l n the difciplcs, our Sauiour 5,d God hid thofe things from the wife and prudent, and reuçaled them veto Babes. Secondly, if nothing elfe, this yet is fufhcient evi- dence : meanes wcakell in the eie of Reafon, are -often mighticli in operation. In plaine11 obferuation, the greatefl Clerkes haue not alwaies beenc the moli fruit - full Wafflers. Men comparatiuely of weakefl parts forLcarning,and other endowments, G op hath made his chicfc inftruments to enlarge his Church : that it might euer bee true that Paul hash , God chufeth the e xeake and foohlh thing of the World, to confound the wi- rer and more mighty. Thirdly, And the weaken kinde of preaching, moll voide of that, which men call learning, and oflentation, fthe fool Ithne fe of preaching , hath had greatefi vertue in the hearts of the people. In all experience, the prea- chingmofl admired for depth and profoundnef e, bath b °ene rcfpefìiuely moll barren ; for this end I thinke, That the g power might bee known< to free of God. The weaker the inllrumenr, the more euident is the power of the principali worker. More euidently appeared God Author of viflory to Gideon, in that with a h few Pit- chers andLampes, hee difeomfited the Hoff of Midian, than if the Armies of lfrael had accompanied him to the Bartell. A man might eafily fee it was another breath, than i that ofRammes Hornes,which cuoribrew the walls of Jericho, by the Iilline&Te of the meanes vied to that purpofe. Firíl, 557 bAft.r6.14. EfayC.r3. d Mat 1/.25. 2 e r Cor.r.27. 3 e x Cor, x.ix. s a Cor.4. 7. n Iudg.7.2o,ar Io11,6.xo. o.....a ...?.,.w. y,; .