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558 CHAP.5. din Expo Titian Von thefirfi Vs4.23. r Fitfl, The meditation admonifhcrh, to afctibe glorie of our Conuerlìon or whatfoeuer benefit we haue recei- ued by the Miniflerie to that God of all grace whofc foie worke iris. What is Paul, what Apollos, what the k t Cor.3.5. bell gifted Miniflcr, but k e/1Mrniferby whom we ham belceteed ? and that, as the Lord gaue to euery man. The fault of Corinthians is noted in this kinde 5 negtating praife of the Grace ofGod, they fell to admire the gifts of their Teachers; I would it were theirs onely,`and chat our people had not perfónt of merl in too much admiration;. fo that the fame Word of G o n, vttered in like power and finceririe of affection, through prciudice, kettles not the fame, in divers mens mouches. But whiles wee flay thus on view and admiration of our Teachers ;gifts, we deraine from God the glory of his rich Grace. 1 fay IAa.3.1z. then as 'Peter to the men ofifraet; Why IloofZeyeefoear- neflly on vr, as though by our owne power and holine f fe wee baue made you whole: The weapons of our warfare are migh m zCor. to. 5. tie, but m through God : And this blefhng it is only that makes the Gofpell in our mooches gods our Saluation. Secondly, It inflructsys to the right courfe of profi- table teaching and hearing ; To ioyne to our hearing and exhortation, gayer for Godsbleffing. Firfl, The complaint of Mïniflers is as was that of E- n Efay 49.4. S A Y ; 7hey 11 baue laboured in vaine and gent their (frençth. Seeno Succelfe or fruit of their labours, in longefl inflanceof preaching. Ir may bee, the reafon f}ickcs in the people. God fomctimes fends vs, not fo much to conuert, alto harden. In that cafe wee haue no caufe of difcouragement. Firfl, God is glorified as well in the lufl hardening of Reprobates, as in the Saluation z Con z.r5. of his Chofen. Secondly, And we are in both, a ° fweet Sasrour to God. But take heed, the fault flicke not in our- Celtics; that though perhaps wee haue beene infant in jpreaching;; yet our difrolutemcfre hsth beene roo palpa- ble,