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CRAP .y Epiflle to the The,,aloaiaaa. Vim. 2 3. 359 bit , in praying G o n s bleffcng vpon our indeuours. Secondly,Amongfl people alto the courfe is vfuall,to deriue the blame of their Non-proficiencie from them - (clues to their Teacher. Either hee is too profound , or too plaine; too cold, or too Note; too dilfolute, or coo exalt; one way or other,the fault muff be the Minillers, that thepeople are not bettered : When as all this while theblameref }s in themfclues ; that they haue beetle neg- ligent in preparation ; forgetting to pray Gods blefling vpontheir attention. God will euer be knowne to bee giuer of all Grace : And bath therefore ordained the vfe of Prayer in his Church, not as a meanes to informe him of our wants; but as an acknowledgement, and te- flification of that Principle of Saint I A M E s ; P That euerygeodgiuing and emery perfei gift comet ch,wne from aboue,defcending from the Father of Light:. To excite to this dutie,let that be confidered,God: Word bath euer his Werí e. f f it mollifie not, it hardens; if it conuert not, it will one day confound. The matter of Paul: Petition is,Firit,cheir San (ifica- tion. Secondly,Theirpreferuation. Both amplified by their extent,both in the fubieet,and in time. I pray God fantifieyouthroughout.Theworke of fan - fification', the Lord had gracioufly begunnein this people, fo much euinceth_Pauls plcntifull comm anda - tiongiuenthemformoftpartsofSanAitic; fo that ap- parantly he beggeth of God, what he had exhorted vn- to t Their progrefeand preferuatian in the Rate of grace. Whence is the note : Not beginnings only,but increafe and continuance in San - ïtitieis the Worke of ggod.We that beginne: the rood worke, the 9 fame perfeEt :. God is the Author of all Grace; it is be that calleth, r makes perfelt, fiiabli(heth, f rengtheneth, f tteth I Whether meerly, or mixtly is the queftion. Pela- gians anciently, taw no nece<fitie of G o n s gracious M m worke ,` Flames 107. q Phil. .6. rIPCCnfr0.