Schlater - BS2725 S35 1627

CnA'.S. Epi file tothe 7heffalonians. VER. 23. 56a paul, inference is, b With feare and tremdl ng to wirke out our Saluatsen, Pith will and worke, beginnings, increafe, continuance in San Hit y, are wholly and alone of God. Prc- fumptuuus aboue meafure is mans confidence in abili- ties receiued ; Firft, adventuring vpon the molt dange- leus occalons, if not of Apoflatie, yet of declinings in holy practice ; the molt leprous company is not feared for inftftion. The C neeref1 fociety with Idolaters, againf? which God of eeiallyglues vs caveat, kfi they Withdraw vs from God, how many dare venter vpon'? Fir!i, Said Salomon in vaine, walke not in the way with Somers? Their attempt is to d cart; Ter to fall. Secondly, We haue feene fouie faulringsofgreat Saints by that oc- cation. That of e S A L o ac o N, whom may it not make tremble ? Thirdly, And though we haue promife to be preferued from euill; yet is that proteftion f in c ids one - ly, not in pracipit c. Fourthly, And if Nature of it felfe be prone to euill, how dare wee by occafion helpe for- ward that prop enfion ? Secondly , No letfe is their pride and tempting of God, that after Tome fmattering knowledge and fecdes of Grace receiued , deipife meanes fanétified, of their growth andeflablithmenr; and will needs be their own keepers. Paul fpeakes not, but thunders againfl fuch g as forjal(e the Afemblies of S uints. Secondly, How fhould this reflraine contemptuous infultings ouer others weaknefie, behinde vs, as they feeme, in the meafure of Grace ? Fitt}, For alas, b Who is It that difcernes vs ? .or, what haue we that wee baue net ..receiued? e,lnd if. receiued , why boat? wee ? In Gods difcriníinating vs from others in the meafure of gifts, caufe wee haue of thankfulneffe, none of pride ; when beginnings,increafe,continuance of San étitje are mere- ly of God. Secondly, Our merits of Glace, no mote than theirs ; of vs it is true, as of any, Wee were in times . pal? difo6 edicnt,ferued lulls and divert plealures. Third_ Mm x lY, FTC. de bP1u1.2..rt,T3.i DC1C.7314. a Pro. 4.14,16. e Neil.i 3.t6. r Pfa1.9r.ti. s 2. h r Cor 4.7. tTitus3.3.