Schlater - BS2725 S35 1627

562 CxAc'.5 AnExpoft it) nvon thbefzri 17"" 3. ly, In Nature, as vncapabicof all holy inflinets, as any. Fourthly, Our infirmities in firlt entrance as great, as o- , thers. Fifily, And our hinderlings haply may ouertake, and out-flrip vs in holy praeîice. There remaines the extent of SanEtification, which is prayed to the whole of Ivan, and whatfoeuer faculty or parc God hach allotted to theentirenelfe of his Nature. Thus forted by the Apoille; the Spirit, Soule, and Body. The Spi- it,vnderf 'tand the intelleetuall part of the Soule; Paul calls it elfewhere, The prit of our mink : the Soule, the appetite and fenfuall faculties common to vs with brutes ; the Body, the outward man, the inf}rument and organ of the Soule : To thcfe all,and the whole of them, paid praies increafe and preferuation in Sanéticy. The points intended to our notice are two. Firfl, There is no part or faculty of mans Body or Soule, not that which may feeme moll pure and exceb'ent,but needs to be tn ed. f fli Therefore isP?aslt exhortation, ToberE- Ephcf.4s3, newcd in the kSpirit of our minde;in the mol} pure and fpi- ritual! part of the Soule. And if is allo haue beene depra- ued by the Fall of Adam, how needes it nor reftoring by the Grace of Chrif' ? Defee s in the vnderflanding are tEphe.417,18. noted foureprincipali. ' Firf }, Ignorance, grofteiligno- rance in things that concerne Gods kingdome. Second - ly,Vaoity, & no lel %than dotage about things that can- r 14. not profit. na Thirdly,Impotency,to know the things of ?tom 8.7, the Spirit of Gcd. Fourthly, 'Enmity againf} the Law of God ; profellèd quarrelling againft theGofpell ; and prophane befcoling of Gods wifedome in choice of meanes for mans Saluation. And if the minde haue fo farte degeneratcd,how may the will be thought to keep her firft integrity ? fo that Grace í}1a11 not need to alter, but onely to excite or ant it ? That Cor durum in the Eiech.3c -x6. Prophet, which he calls not plumbeuns,or ferrewm, ° but lapideum : it is nothing elfe to Auiline, but mans rrilleb. /linate ins cud', obdurate againit all goodnefre. net